Politician Luc Anus had his campaign shutdown on Facebook due to his unfortunate name
It must be pretty tough growing up with a name that can make it easy for kids at school to take the piss out of you. I used to go to school with a girl named Poohpak so you can imagine the sort of shit kids would shout at at her.
One dude who I'm sure can empathise with Poopak is politician Luc Anus, who decided to run for political office in Lobbes, South Belgium. He had some pretty good ideas but when it came to uploading his campaign on Facebook, he discovered that he was in violation of the company's rules. Mr Anus (HA HA) had this to say:
Facebook just does not accept my name.I can deal with it, but I’ve had to change my name to Luc Anu on the site.
It's pretty shitty that he's had to change his name to get round Facebook's Terms but at least he's finally able to get his campaign out there. I I wonder if there's a Mrs Anus?! When their mates are having them over for dinner do they say 'the anuses are popping in later'. It's the gift that keeps on giving!