A pastor convinced his congregation to drink bleach after saying it was the blood of christ
Remember that old saying your mum used to come out with you when you did stupid shit as a kid - "if somebody told you to jump off a cliff, would you?", well it turns out religious nuts totally would. If a priest tells them to do it, you can bet your ass they'll be scrambling to do it with a smile on their face. Whether that be eating those wafer things he pops in your mouth, or drinking bleach. Yup, bleach!
A pastor from the Ark Ministry in Makgodu Village, South Africa recently told his congregation that a bottle of bleach was safe to drink because he had changed it into the blood of Christ. He told this to the local paper:
Yes, it was Jik before I made the declaration. But after I declared it to be the blood of Jesus Christ it means it’s no longer Jik so it won’t harm anyone who consumes it.
In case you're wondering what Jik is, it's basically the South African version of Cif. Amazingly, no one got sick from drinking it so he either switched it with water or that south African Jik is weak as piss. Either way, it's still pretty messed up what people will believe in the name of religion.