Study finds mens beards are filthier than a public bog!
We all know that beards are notorious crumb collectors. I'm forever telling my bloke him to wipe coffee foam, cheese sauce or fanny juice off his beard. God knows what else is lurking amongst thall that fuzz but what I didn't expect was faeces!!! Yup. A new study has revealed that almost 50% of men with beards are literally walking around around with shit on their faces.
The study was conducted by Fragrance Direct and Manchester Metropolitan University and involved taking swabs from men's beards and analysing them in a bid to discover what lies beneath all that bush. While most of the participants claimed they gave their beards a good wash right before the test, the results were still pretty grim. The results found that nearly half the beards that were tested contained the micro-organism 'Enterococcus spp', which is also found in the human bowel and in poo. Vom.
And if you think it's just long beards that are smuggling shit - you'd be wrong, as short beards also contained remnants of plop. Nice. It's time to reach for that razor guys - except for you basic bro's, who only have beards to hide your weak chin and jowels. Leave that shit intact. poo on your face might be the lesser of the evils!