Woman gets Kinder Egg stuck up her minge after proposal goes horribly wrong!
I'm all for romantic proposals but I'm not sure pussy juice and Kinder Eggs would be classed as romantic. The woman in this story obviously has a different idea of romance than I do as she came up with a rather bizarre way of proposing to her boyfriend.
This story comes courtesy of Adam Kay, a junior doctor who thought he'd seen it all until an unnamed woman walked into the ER with a slight problem with her nether regions. Apparently the woman was taking advantage of the leap year tradition, that sees women propose to their partners on February 29th.
For her 'romantic' proposal, the woman bought a ring and put it inside a Kinder Egg and then shoved it up her fanny. The plan was simple - she would suggest a 'finger bang' to her boyfriend, and hey presto, he finds the Kinder Egg and she would drop down on one knee. Aww yeah, because nothing screams romance like a finger bang.
Although Kinder Eggs are small, they're slippery little fuckers and for some reason, this one got stuck and no amount of probing from either of them could dislodge the egg. Amazingly, she was so keen to keep the surprise she wouldn't tell her boyfriend what was inside the egg or why she'd jammed it up there, but she popped the question anyway and her boyfriend said yes. Woohoo.
After trying for several hours to retrieve the egg the couple popped in to their local ER, where Adam was on hand to help. He successfully removed the egg with the help of forceps and presented the fiancé with it - along with a pair of latex gloves. Thankfully he took the ring. That's one to tell the grandkids!!!