This 'Bad Lip Reading' video of the Royal Wedding is freakin hilarious
I'm embarrassed to say I've never watched a 'Bad Lip Reading' video before but I'm sure as hell going to start because this shit is bloody hilarious.
The latest Bad Lip Reading video to go viral is of course the Royal Wedding, because that shit is everywhere right now. Don't worry, I'm not about to ram a whole bunch of wedding pics and royalist nonsense in your face. Instead, I present this hilarious mockery of Prince Harry and Meghan recent nuptuals. The best part is where William "says" to Harry "I hope you understand that we're puppets with no free will."
This is the only Royal Wedding-related thing I'm happy to watch. All those people who got tarted up to sit in their local boozer and watch it on the telly just baffled me. Like calm down Deborah, Prince Harry ain't your son in law!