Marvel Cinematic Universe confirms five more movies after 'Infinity War'
With Avengers: Infinity War monopolising the box office at the moment, the Marvel Cinematic Universe stock is higher than it's ever been. People who have seen Infinity War were shocked at the the how different it was compared to other films in the MCU, and rumour has it that this is just the first of many films of it's kind. Apparently Marvel have got five more titles lined up for the next two years, out of nine that they are going to release by 2022. They're clearly going to try and keep up with the current success of Infinity War and who could blame them?!
So lets take a look at what Marvel have coming up - Ant Man and the Wasp is due for release this July 6th, which is set between Captain America: Civil War and the events of Infinity War. That'll be the last movie this year but then March 8th 2019 will see the release of Captain Marvel, which is a prequel to the whole series and is set in the 90s.
The next huge one is another Avengers movie that will land on May 3rd. Not sure of the title yet which means it's more than likely a spoiler for Infinity War. After that there's going to be a sequel to Spiderman: Homecoming which will hit cinemas on July 5th 2019. Blimey, they really are churning them out.
There isn't too much info about what's coming up in 2020 but we do know there will be another Guardians of the Galaxy. Good old Marvel sorting out our movie plans for the next few years.