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Yep, her off Babestation.

Time traveller from year 2030 passes lie-detector test

What's with all these people claiming to be time travellers recently? And why is it only dudes? You never hear about women just popping into the year 2160 for a mooch around.

[Image: 2bb14]

There have been countless stories of late from people who claim to be from the future but almost none of them were willing to take a lie detecter test to prove it...until now. A guy who goes by the name of Noah, claimed that he travelled back in time from 2030 but ended up trapped in 2018. Noah, who is apparently 50-years-old but looks 25 thanks to an age rejuvenating drug, spoke to ApexTV about what we can expect life to be like in 2030.

[Image: 2bb13]

Here is the full interview but be warned; the lie detector isn't the most believable thing I've ever seen. You don't even get to see the lie detector most of the time - apart from when he says that he’s a time traveller from the future and some icon flashes up ‘True’. Hmm. I'm not entirely convinced.

To be fair, some of his predictions could well come true, such as robots runnng homes and being able to fly to Mars in 2028. That'd be pretty cool!

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