Dude with the biggest dong in the world gets called out for being a liar
Do you remember the dude who claimed to have the worlds biggest dick?! Roberto Esquivel Cabrera claimed to have a shlong measuring a whopping 18.9 inches.
Well it turns out that Roberto is a big fat liar and it isn't his dick that's huge, but his foreskin. Yup, you read that right. Jonah Falcon, who is the former world record holder for the worlds largest dong was the one who alerted the media to Roberto's lies. Jonah told journalist's that Roberto had been using weights to lengthen his foreskin since he was a teenager and that the scans he provided wasn’t a true representation of his dick.
Turns out the fucker was right! The news was confirmed by Radiologist Dr Jesus Pablo Gil Muro, who performed a scan on Roberto's dick, which shows where his cock ends and the foreskin begins.
Here's what the radiologist had to say:
What the CT scan showed was that there is a very large foreskin. It goes just before the knee. But the penis itself is about 16cm to 18cm from the pubis.So it doesn’t go all the way through the foreskin. The rest of the tissue found there is just foreskin, blood vessels, and some inflammation of the skin.He was obsessed with the penis length. In Latin culture whoever has the bigger penis is more macho. It’s something that makes him different to the rest of the people and makes him feels special.
Apparently Roberto has been stretching his knob since he was 15 which is a pretty long time seeing as he's now in his mid fifties.Fuck knows why he'd want to do this shit in the first place. Not only has he lost the title of 'World's Biggest Penis' but he's registered disabled because of it and his cock has to have it's own pillow at night or he can't sleep properly. Nutter!