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Yep, her off Babestation.

Who doesn't love a sexy midget?!

I was having a converstation with my husband the other day about midgets (sorry, little people) and I asked him if shagging one has ever been on his bucket list. It wasn't. But it did make me think 'hmm, I wonder what a midget would be like in bed' so I had a little search around and it turns out that there are hardly any midgets working in the adult industry in the UK. It's a bit of a shame if you ask me. You can hire one to accompany you on your stag party but you can't hire one to bounce on your dong? Seems wrong to me. Anyhoo, no use crying about it. Here are some midget stripper videos instead (from America, obviously). Enjoy!

Here's the legendary Bridget the midget, who also happens to work at Dennis Hofs famous brother, the Moonlight Bunny Ranch.

If you didn't want to bang a midget before I bet you do now.

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