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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman spends £10k on surgery to look like a blow up doll

It's no secret that I love a bit of surgery, but less is defintely more when is comes to cosmetic procedures. A bit of tweaking and improving is all gravy but some people just go to far.

31-year-old Cindy Moore was obsessed with looking like a blow up doll so she decided to fork out £10k on a boob job, hair extensions and lip injections to achieve her desired look. She's pretty happy with the results but I personally think she's ended up looking a bit like a tranny.

[Image: 295l3]

She also changed the registration on her car to ‘Doll’. Not tacky at all. Here's what Cindy said about her surgery:

I want another boob job and probably a tummy tuck. I’m lucky because of my skin I don’t really need Botox.
I used to be around a size A, but now my boobs are double F’s. I’ve still got a long way to go. I’m trying to lose more weight and look even more like a sex doll.
I’ve just always liked it when I saw the look on other people. I think it makes me look beautiful.
Breaking up with my long time boyfriend after he had an affair was the catalyst. I’ve lost five stone and dropped from a size 24 to a size 12.
When I first met my ex I was 19 and I had started looking like I do now, but definitely not as extreme. But after we had two kids I ballooned by about seven stone and kind of gave up on it. When we split last year I looked at myself in the mirror and just thought ‘this needs to go’, so I trained hard and cut the carbs and lost it really rapidly.
I’ve always liked the bimbo blow-up doll look, ever since I was younger so I just started taking it to the next level.
Since I split up with him I’ve felt good about myself overall because I had my boobs done and lost a lot of weight.

[Image: 295l4]

When I did the TV show '100% Hotter', I already had on the bimbo doll look, but was no where near as extreme as I am now.
I think the point of the TV show was to show me that I looked better with a natural look, but it just had the opposite effect really. All I could think was “I’ve got a long way to go”. I had my lips pumped and I just started getting more and more followers online.

I’ve spent a lot of money, it’s £10,000 easily. Apart from my boobs it’s all gone on hair extensions and my lips too. I get them pumped three times a month to keep them looking blown up. It’s a full time job looking like this.
Before changing to this new extreme look I had about 100 Facebook friends and they were all family. After the TV show I got invited to join a “Bimbonati” group on Instagram, and that’s when it really took off. I have about 4,000 followers on there now.
My family is fully behind it and I’m making money off it too – selling raunchy photographs to subscribers who pay me £25 a month.
My six year old daughter says that when I’m all done up I look like a doll. She really loves it too. My son is eight, and he prefers it when I have my make up on too.

If she's happy, I guess that's all that matters.

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